Big big girl in a Small small world.
Travelling has become much more easier than ever before. Of course if you have money and visa.
Comparing to well traveled people, I haven't traveled much. But there are many people who don't even have an opportunity to visit their capital cities. Actually I have such relatives, who have spent their entire life in the countryside. They have opportunity but simply they're not interested in travelling to other places. Probably it is because they are already living in a beautiful place, with mountains and rivers.
But I'm as a person, who was exposed to the excitement of discovering new places, can't get enough of travelling. I would love to travel as many places as possible ! However, every time I get to a new country, I realize how big it actually is ! It requires much longer time and money to explore the top attractions of that country, than I imagined. So I usually end up by visiting the capital city, which is not that amusing. Cause images of those famous attractions such as Roman Colosseum, Taj Mahal and Opera House is every where, that when you actually get there - nothing impressive. I mean they are wonderful creations made by human. But it just doesn't give that "Wow ! I'm seeing this first time in my life !" excitement.
It is the natural beauty and the places that you heard little of, makes you surprised and excited.
But again, as human beings, we should acknowledge that we can't travel every corner of the World. Knowing this, I'm not that desperate to travel the World. It's enough for me to see it through media and to have the knowledge that those kind of amazing places exist in the World.
For me, it's more important to meet and to hear the story of people from different places. It is the stories that opens your eyes and makes you understand the life and changes your view of the World, and it can even change you. We might never see them again in person, however the stories and experiences stays and fulfills us.
We're living in a Big world, but it's the people and connections that makes it smaller and smaller.